F1: Around The World Promo Slate

F1 Around The World

Sky Sports

We created an energetic promo for the latest season of Formula 1 on Sky Sports, along with a flexible toolkit that allowed Sky to update the creative for each race of the season.
F1: Around The World Promo Slate

Central to the toolkit was the transitional map asset that linked each promo to the next race in the season.

F1: Around The World Promo Slate
F1: Around The World Promo Slate
F1: Around The World Promo Slate
F1: Around The World Promo Map

A flexible toolkit with map elements for each race in the calendar was provided to allow for the on-air campaign to last the entire season.

F1: Around The World Promo Map
F1: Around The World Promo Endboard

Initial graphic treatment concepts.